1. | COVID 19 Vaccine opposition-hesitancy Mehmet Yumru, Sevcan Karakoç Demirkaya doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.90692 Pages 276 - 277 Abstract | |
2. | Profile of young psychiatrists: A cross-sectional survey study from Turkey (eng) Oğuzhan Kılınçel, Gamze Erzin, Şenay Kılınçel, Sevin Hun Şenol, Deniz Ceylan, Murat Acar, Ahmet Gürcan, Necip Çapraz doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.15428 Pages 278 - 287 INTRODUCTION: In this study, it was aimed to discuss the problems and working conditions of Early Career Psychiatrist (ECP) in the light of the literature METHODS: ECPs (in the first five years of their residency or under forty years of age) were included in the study via e-mail. An online questionnaire structured by the researchers was applied to all participants. The first 7 of the questionnaire questions are related to socio-demographic characteristics, and they were asked about age, gender, city of residence, year of profession, state service obligation, the hospital where he worked, the institution he specialized in. In the continuation of the questionnaire, a total of 24 questions were asked about the clinical and practical applications of psychiatry, education, career and working environment. RESULTS: A total of 245 ECPs, 69.8% female and 30.2% male, aged between 27 and 41 years were included in the study. The average age of the participants in the study was 33.59 ± 2.80 years. As a city, the most frequent (17.1%) attendance was from Istanbul. 71% of them had completed their compulsory service. The institution worked with was reported as the most frequently (39.2%) state hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health. In our study, it was found that 65.7% of ECPs were subjected to violence in the working environment and 83.9% of those exposed to violence were exposed to verbal violence. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Both legal and institutional arrangements need to be made in order to improve the working conditions of ECPs, to prevent violence, to feel safe in the working environment and to increase the level of satisfaction. In addition, there is a need to increase the educational opportunities of ECPs after their specialization and to encourage scientific research |
3. | The mediating effect of humour in relation to early maladaptive schema domains and psychological wellbeing (eng) Burak Baran Yavuz, Başak Türküler Aka doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.21548 Pages 288 - 297 INTRODUCTION: Early Maladaptive Schemas may accompany and affect different areas of life and may cause psychological problems. Therefore, psychological wellbeing may get affected negatively. Individuals prefer different ways to cope with stress caused by schemas and humour is a common method that has been used since the very early ages of humanity. Recent study examines the mediational effect of humour in relation to early maladaptive schemas and psychological wellbeing. METHODS: 268 individuals (181 female, 87 male) between the ages of 17 and 67 (M = 29.09, SD = 9.58) participated in the current study and the data were collected online. The study measures were Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ), The Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) and the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS). RESULTS: Correlation analyses showed that psychological wellbeing negatively associated with maladaptive humour styles, and positively associated with adaptive humour styles. Only impaired autonomy and disconnection schema domains were found in association with psychological wellbeing, both negatively. Results of the bootstrap mediation indicated that aggressive humour mediates the relationship between impaired autonomy domain and psychological wellbeing, self-enhancing humour mediates the relationship between disconnection, impaired autonomy, impaired limits and psychological wellbeing. Lastly, self-defeating humour mediated the relationship between other-directedness, unrelenting standards and psychological wellbeing. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results indicated that humour has a mediating role in the relationship between schema domains and psychological wellbeing. Specifically, it was discussed that the mediational roles of self-enhancing, self-defeating and aggressive humour might allow the therapists to intervene subtle mediums of self-harm (i.e. maladaptive humour) or strengthen the self-help (i.e. adaptive humour) and enhance psychological wellbeing. |
4. | Investigation of cytochrome p450 CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP2E1 and CYP3A4 gene expressions and polymorphisms in alcohol withdrawal (eng) Nazife Taşçıoğlu, Çetin Saatçi, Rabia Emekli, Gulten Tuncel, Ertuğrul Eşel, Munis Dundar doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.60938 Pages 298 - 306 INTRODUCTION: This study was designed to investigate the changes in expression levels of CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP2E1 and CYP3A4 genes in patients treated for alcohol dependence and a control group. The frequency of selected polymorphisms of these genes that might be a risk factor for alcohol-dependence and may affect the treatment success is also investigated. METHODS: Blood samples were collected in the beginning and at end of treatment from inpatients taking alcohol dependence treatment and from the control group. DNA and RNA isolation were performed. Gene expression was quantified by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and RFLP technique was used for polymorphism studies. RESULTS: No significant difference in the expression levels of studied genes in the patients before and after the treatment and between the control group was detected. However, a significant difference between the CYP1A2*F allele frequency in control and patient groups was observed. For CYP2D6*4 polymorphism, heterozygous genotypes have been detected in both patients and controls, whereas no CYP2D6*4/*4 was detected in either groups, indicating expression of a functional mRNA without reducing enzyme activity. No significant difference was found between the patient and control groups in the CYP2E1 c1/c2 polymorphism. CYP3A4*V polymorphism was not detected in either groups. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: No difference in expression levels of studied genes in patients before and after treatment and in the control group was detected. A significant difference in the frequency of CYP1A2*1F c.734C>A polymorphism was detected between patient and control groups indicating a possible role of this allele as a risk factor for alcohol dependence. |
5. | Insight and psychotic experiences in patients with non-psychotic depression (eng) Oğuzhan Herdi, Oğuz Erkan Berksun doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.67625 Pages 307 - 314 INTRODUCTION: The relationship between psychotic symptoms and insight is repeatedly shown. Studies intended to present the relationship between insight and psychosis are mostly conducted on psychotic disorders. However, knowledge about psychotic experiences (PEs) and insight is limited for non-psychotic disorders, like depression. It was aimed to compare patients with non-psychotic depression and healthy controls in terms of insight and investigate the relationship between insight and PEs. METHODS: 49 patients with depression and 42 healthy controls were included. Sociodemographic Data Form, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), Beck Anxiety Inventory(BAI), Self-reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS), Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE42) and Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS) were applied to participants. RESULTS: Levels of PEs were significantly higher and levels of SRIS insight subscale were lower in patients with depression than healthy controls. There were significant negative correlations between SRIS insight subscale and levels of PEs. Levels of PEs were predicted by scores of HAM-D, BAI and SRIS insight subscale, but BAI was the only variable which maintained significance in multiple regression analysis. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Patients with non-psychotic depression could manifest impaired insight and a mild form of psychotic features and there is a relationship between these two psychiatric phenomena. |
6. | The relationship between anxiety and serum urotensin-II and S100B levels in patients with essential hypertension (eng) Aslı Kazğan, Sevda Korkmaz, Sevler Yildiz, Hasan Korkmaz, Selda Telo, Murad Atmaca doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.67044 Pages 315 - 323 INTRODUCTION: In hypertensive people, some biochemical parameters that are associated with oxidative stress and endothelial functions may play a role in the manifestation of anxiety symptoms, and even in the intensification of clinical symptoms of the disease. The objective of this correlational study is to examine the association between the severity of anxiety and levels of oxidative stress parameters including Urotensin-II and S100B protein in patients with essential hypertension. METHODS: A total of 153 patients meeting the study criteria who presented to the department of cardiology and received outpatient treatment were included in the study. Sociodemographic and Clinical Data Form, the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were administered to patients, and venous blood samples were taken after blood pressure measurement. S100B and Urotensin-II levels were measured using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. RESULTS: The participants’ mean BDI score was 10.4±7.61 and the mean BAI score was 15.6±9.61. A positive correlation was determined between depression and anxiety scores and systolic blood pressure (p=0.049, r= 0.160; p<0.01, r=0.292). A positive relationship was found between the BAI scores and Urotensin-II levels (p= 0.043, r= 0.164). A positive correlation was also found between Urotensin-II levels and S100B levels (p<0.01, r= 0.711). A statistically significant difference was observed in serum Urotensin-II levels between the high depression scores and low depression scores (p=0.017), but no significant difference was observed in S100B levels. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the Urotensin-II levels increased in line with anxiety levels in patients with essential hypertension. It was also found that the Urotensin-II levels were higher in hypertensive patients with high scores in BDI. This study is expected to contribute to the future studies that will investigate the role of Urotensin-II and S100B in the etiology of essential hypertension, which is very commonly accompanied by anxiety and depressive symptoms. |
7. | The effectiveness of mindfulness based thriving program on level of mindfulness and thriving (eng) Neslihan Arıcı Özcan, Safiye Şahin doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.65037 Pages 324 - 333 INTRODUCTION: This experimental research examined the effects of the Mindfulness-Based Thriving Program (MTP) on university students’ mindfulness and thriving levels. METHODS: The study was conducted with randomly assigned 19 female students attending to a public university in Turkey. The inclusion criteria were to have low scores on Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale and Thriving Scale in pre-test assessment. Experimental group (n=10) received a 6-session MTP intervention developed by the first researcher while control group (n=9) received no intervention. To determine the immediate and long-term effects of the MTP, all participants completed post-tests two months after the program. Data were analyzed by using two-way ANOVA test. To determine the significant differences between sub-groups, the Tukey (HSD) test was performed. RESULTS: Post-test and follow-up results of experimental group for MAAS and Thriving Scale were found to be higher than their pre-test results, while there were no statistically significant changes in results of control group. Results revealed that six-session MTP for university students was significantly effective in increasing mindfulness and thriving levels. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Research results highlight the potential contribution of eclectic mindfulness practices during adolescence. Although, there are many studies supporting the positive effect of mindfulness-based interventions on students, empirical evidence about MTP’s effect on thriving is very scarce. In this respect, this study is expected to contribute the current literature by examining the MTP’s effect on mindfulness and thriving. |
8. | Type D personality and predictive factors of Body Mass Index in bariatric surgery candidates (eng) İbrahim Yağcı, Yasin Taşdelen, Okay Koç, Yüksel Kıvrak doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.45578 Pages 334 - 341 INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to investigate depression-anxiety levels, sexual lives, childhood traumatic experiences, self-esteem, eating attitudes, and Type D personality traits in bariatric surgery candidates. METHODS: Our study was conducted between June 2019 and December 2019 and included a total of 100 individuals, 50 bariatric surgery candidates and 50 healthy people. A sociodemographic data form, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Type D Personality Scale, the Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the Eating Attitudes Test were used in our study. RESULTS: The scores of Type D Personality, Arizona sexual experiences, childhood trauma, eating attitude, and self-esteem scales were significantly higher in the patient group than in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference between the anxiety and depression scores of both groups. In addition, it was found that the predictive factors of the Body Mass Index were education, self-esteem, eating attitude, and childhood traumas, explaining 63.5% of the variance. Type D personality, on the other hand, was not found to be one of the predictive factors. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Bariatric surgery candidates undergoe routine psychiatric examinations prior to their operations, and preoperative follow-up interviews with a psychiatrist is believed to be important for these individuals. |
9. | Comparison of the risk of drop-out from opioid maintenance treatment in patients using naltrexone implants vs. oral buprenorphine-naloxone (tur) Umut Kırlı, Omer Nart doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.37084 Pages 342 - 349 INTRODUCTION: Through increasing prevalence, opioid use disorder has been an important public health problem. The aim of this study is to compare the risk of drop-out from opioid use disorder maintenance treatment in patients using naltrexone implants vs. oral buprenorphine-naloxone, and to assess some sociodemographic and clinical correlates of drop-out. METHODS: The study has a retrospective-cohort design. All patients who completed the 21-days inpatient detoxification treatment between January 1st – November 1st, 2019 in a specialized alcohol and substance abuse treatment centre, and planned to be treated with either oral buprenorphine-naloxone or naltrexone implants were included in the study (n: 107). The associations between the drop-outs from the maintenance treatment and the treatment used (buprenorphine-naloxone or naltrexone implants), sociodemographic/clinical characteristics were assessed via multivariate cox regression. RESULTS: No large or significant differences in sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were found between the two treatment groups. Both univariate and multivariate analysis showed no significant differences in the risk of drop-out from treatment between patients using oral buprenorphine-naloxone vs. naltrexone implants (Hazard Ratio: 1.39, %95CI: 0.82-2.35, p: 0.2). Multivariate analysis showed that presence of another substance use in addition to opioid use was significantly associated with the risk of drop-out (Hazard Ratio: 1,79, %95CI: 1,06-3,16, p: 0,04). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Results suggest no significant difference in the risk of drop-out from opioid maintenance treatment in patients using naltrexone implants vs. oral buprenorphine-naloxone. Additional substance use should be carefully considered while planning opioid use disorder maintenance treatment. |
10. | The effect of affective temperament traits on emotion regulation difficulties (tur) Dilara Demirpençe, Ezgi İnce Guliyev, Hatice Gozde Akkin Gurbuz doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.21043 Pages 350 - 358 INTRODUCTION: Emotion regulation difficulties play an important role in determining psychopathology and quality of life. They are related to several biological and environmental factors such as gender, temperament and attachment. Affective temperaments are subclinical trait-like features that represent liability to affective disorders. In our study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between affective temperament traits and emotion regulation difficulties in university students. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study with university students. All participants were randomly selected and filled out a sociodemographic data form, TEMPS-A(Temperament Evaluation of Memphis,Pisa,Paris,Sarı Diego Autoquestionnaire) Temperament Questionnaire, Relationship Scale and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). Multiple regression analyses were conducted by using gender and attachment style as covariate. . . RESULTS: 194 university students participated in our study. 37.6% of the participants are men and mean age is 20.88 ± 1.33. Anxious temperament predicted non-acceptance, impulsivity and strategies, depressive temperament predicted non-acceptance and cyclothymic temperament predicted clarity subdomains of emotion regulation difficulties. While cyclothymic anxious and hyperthymic temperament traits were found to be significant in determining total emotion regulation difficulties, hyperthymic temperament traits were found to be negatively related DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Affective temperament traits constitute a spectrum from healthy to clinical diagnosis. Identifying in which emotional areas individuals with affective temperament traits experience difficulties also seems important in order to reveal interventions that will increase the quality of life of these individuals. |
11. | Investigation of the effects of psychological factors on implementing protective behaviors against coronavirus (tur) Merve Gül Buçakcı, İpek Selin Günhan, Özlem Kahraman Erkuş doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.47855 Pages 359 - 367 INTRODUCTION: This study aims at investigating the psychological factors that may influence the implementation of protective behaviors of Turkish people against the novel coronavirus pandemic. For this purpose, the relationship between the implementation of the protective behaviors and risk perception, risk taking behaviors, positive and negative affect and coping strategies were examined. METHODS: Data collection tools were The Protective Behavior Implementation Scale, The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, The Ways of Coping with Stress Scale and The Sensation Seeking-Risk Taking Scale. 364 of the participants were female and 193 were male. The age range was 20-64 and the mean age was 34.69. RESULTS: The hierarchical regression analysis showed that a positive relationship between age, sex and protective behaviors exists. Another positive relationship was found between protective behaviors, risk perception and positive affect. Moreover, a negative relationship was present between submissive coping and protective behaviors. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Psychological factors are influential on the implementation of the protective behaviors against the coronavirus. As the perceived risk regarding the disease increases, protective behaviors are elevated. Else, the increasement in the protective behaviors are related to the positive affect. People who carry out protective behaviors are observed not to be using submissive coping. This may be related to the self-control perception. In addition to that, increased age is associated with applying more protective behaviors and women are found to be more likely to use protective behaviors than men. The study is important as it investigated the impact of psychological factors on cultural settings. |
12. | The relationship between ruminative thinking style, body image and social appearance anxiety to romantic relationship centered and partner- focused obsessive compulsive symptoms (tur) Ezgi Abak, H. Şenay Güzel doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.14632 Pages 368 - 382 INTRODUCTION: This study aims to examine the relationship between partner focused and romantic relationship obsessive compulsive with ruminative thinking style, body image, social appearance anxiety. The second aim of the study is to examine the sociodemographic variables thought to be related to relationship centered and partner focused obsessive compulsive symptoms. METHODS: The data has been collected via internet from 689 individuals who were in a romantic relationship between the ages of 18-30. For the aim of collecting information, demographic information form, Partner Related Obsessive Compulsive Scale, Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Inventory, Ruminative Thought Style Questionnaire, Social Appearance Anxiety Scale and Body-Cathexis Scale have been used. RESULTS: According to the performed structural equation modelling, it has been observed that ruminative thinking style predicts the relationship centered and partner focused obsessive compulsive symptoms and sub-dimensions positively. Body image and social appearance anxiety positively predict the partner focused obsessive compulsive symptoms and its sub-dimensions. Furthermore, it was found that partner focused obsessive compulsive symptoms positively predict relationship centered obsessive compulsive symptoms. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this study, it was concluded that the model created with ruminative thinking style, body image and social appearance anxiety, which is thought to be effective in revealing partner focused and romantic relationship obsessive compulsive symptoms is an acceptable model. It is thought that investigating the structures that may be effective in revealing the symptoms will serve to better understand this obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) subtype and overall OCD and contribute to the diagnosis / treatment of this area. |
13. | Retrospective analysis of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients receiving addiction treatment in the psychiatric service of a private hospital (tur) Şeyma Demiralay, İlkay Keser, F. Mükerrem Güven doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.08870 Pages 383 - 393 INTRODUCTION: In this study, it was aimed to retrospectively evaluate the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of individuals receiving addiction treatment. METHODS: In the Private Lara Anatolian Hospital Psychiatry Service, the hospital records of 153 patients who were hospitalized between January 1 and September 1, 2018 were retrospectively examined and the data obtained were transferred to the information forms created by the researchers. The data were evaluated in SPSS 20.0 package program. Chi-square test was used for descriptive analysis. In the study, the reliability level was accepted as 95% and the statistical significance limit p <0.05 for all analyzes. RESULTS: In patients, 75.2% were male, 52.3% were under the age of 35, 86.3% had social security, 81.7% resided in Antalya and surrounding provinces, 41.2% had previously It was found that the patients were treated in an inpatient manner, 8.5% had positive HCV value, 16.3% had HBV immunity, and no HIV positive patient. Among the substances used, it was found that opioids were used at the highest rate (39.9%) and that there were additional diagnoses accompanying addiction. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It has been determined that substance use disorders are more common in young adults, especially men, and opioid use is in the first place. Although our study results reflect a single hospital and a small sample, it is thought that it will provide data in terms of comparing the sociodemographic characteristics of individuals who apply to many different health institutions for the treatment of the same problem and will contribute to the planning and execution of the treatment process of addictions. |
14. | Differences in the perception of social support and traumatic experiences in adolescents with substance use disorder and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (tur) Arzu Çiftçi, İbrahim Ethem Ovali, Cuneyt Evren, Murat Eyuboglu, Damla Eyuboglu doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.50375 Pages 394 - 404 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to investigate the childhood traumas and perceived social support of the adolescents with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Substance Use Disorder(SUD) METHODS: The 150 male patients, 52 of with the diagnosis of substance use disorder (SUD), and 48 of whom were diagnosed with comorbid SUD and ADHD, and also 50 of with the diagnosis of with ADHD without the history of substance use, and their parents were included in the study. All adolescent completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Perceived Family and Friend Support Scale and Multi-Dimensional Perceived Social Support Scale while their parents completed the Screening and Assessment Scale Based on the DSM-IV for the Behavioral Disorders in Children and Adolescents. RESULTS: street life/experience, escaping from home, committing any crime, self-mutilative behavior and suicide attempt was higher particularly in adolescents with SUD and comorbid ADHD. The childhood traumas were higher in adolescents the SUD -ADHD. Physical and sexual abuse were found to be higher in SUD-ADHD. Emotional neglect was found to be high in SUD. No difference was identified between the three groups in terms of the scores of the perceived family and friend support. In respect of the score of the Multi-Dimensional Perceived Social Support, the friend subscale score was higher in the non-comorbid ADHD group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Emotional neglect is a serious risk factor for SUD, independent of ADHD. The presence of ADHD increases the risk of abuse. Early intervention by detecting trauma survivors, recognizing ADHD and intervening with family members can be effective in preventing SUD, which is an important mental health problem for the individual and society. |
15. | Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and the COVID-19 pandemic (tur) Ender Cesur, Seven Kaptan, Sahika Yuksel doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.60024 Pages 405 - 412 Although the physical distance rule applied to slow the pace of the COVID-19 pandemic is an important part of the public health approach, this distance reduces positive social interactions for sexual minorities and can cause mental distress. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex (LGBTI +) people who have to stay at home are increasingly exposed to violence during pandemic. The discrimination experienced by subgroups who may have special needs within the LGBTI + group, such as young people, the elderly, those in need of care or individuals living with HIV, is multiplied throughout the pandemic and the process becomes difficult for these groups. In the epidemic, the prolongation of the psychiatric care process of trans people and the delay in starting hormone therapy disrupt the transition process and negatively affect the mental health of trans people. Considering the risks associated with the pandemic, it is important to take early measures to prevent permanent mental health problems. It is important to provide access to remote support via telemedicine. Despite the possibility of LGBTI+ youth being trapped in traumatic environments, it is critical to monitor and report domestic violence. It is necessary to attach importance to studies on multiple discrimination and to protect the health of LGBTI+ people with special needs. |
16. | Sertraline induced severe neutropenia: An adolescent case with the Guillain-Barre syndrome (eng) Elif Akcay, Ozhan Yalcin doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.42650 Pages 413 - 415 Neutropenia, which is defined as a neutrophil count below 1500/ml, is a rare but potentially life-threatening side effect of psychotropic drugs. Neutropenia associated with sertraline, which is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant, has been reported in only five case reports so far. We report a 16-year-old adolescent male diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome who developed severe neutropenia during treatment with sertraline for his depressive and anxious symptoms. |
17. | Bupropion-induced leukopenia: A case report (eng) Gamze Gürcan, Ahmet Gürcan doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.02419 Pages 416 - 419 Bupropion hidroklorür depresyon ve sigara bırakma tedavisinde kullanılan bir norepinefrin / dopamin geri alım inhibitörüdür. Sıklıkla görülen yan etkileri ağız kuruluğu, bulantı ve uykusuzluktur, ayrıca nöbet eşiğini düşürebilir. Beyaz kan hücresi (lökosit) sayısının normal aralığı yetişkinler için 4000 -11000 / µl'dir. 4000 / µl'nin altındaki değerler lökopeni olarak tanımlanır. Hafif depresyon belirtileri ile psikiyatri polikliniğine başvuran 33 yaşındaki kadın hasta mevcut yakınmalarının yanında sigarayı bırakmak istediğini belirtmiş, hastaya bupropion hidroklorür (uzatılmış salınım-XL) 150 mg/gün tedavisi başlanmıştır. Tedavisinin üçüncü ayında lökosit sayısı 3890/µl, dördüncü ayda 3730/µl olarak saptanmış olup, tedavi öncesi (7220/µl) ve tedavi kesildikten sonra (7290/µl) bu değerlerin normal aralıkta olduğu görülmüştür. Hastanın herhangi bir kronik hastalığı, ilaç, alkol veya madde bağımlılığı olmadığı öğrenilmiştir. Bu olguya göre bupropion hidroklorür ile lökopeni arasında bir ilişki olması muhtemeldir. Kan diskrazileri idiyosenkratik ilaç reaksiyonlarından biridir. Psikotrop ilaçların bazıları lökopeni ve agranülositoz ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Antidepresan tedavisiyle lökopeni gözlenen nadir çalışmalar ve olgular bildirilmiş olsa da, bupropiyona bağlı lökopeni sık görülen bir yan etki değildir. Bu nedenle bupropiyona bağlı bu etkinin bildirilmesi, literatüre katkı sağlaması açısından önemlidir. |
18. | Late-onset psychotic disorder with a history of carbon monoxide poisoning: A case report (tur) Gözde Salihoğlu, Cicek Hocaoglu doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.91489 Pages 420 - 426 Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning can cause severe neuropsychiatric disorders. However, no sufficient attention has been paid to this issue in literature. The definition, treatment and clinical course of neuropsychiatric symptoms that occur especially after poisoning are not known exactly. In the studies conducted to date, neurological symptoms, cognitive, mood and personality disorders have been observed in the cases years after CO poisoning. However, the hypotheses regarding the etiopathology of long-term neuropsychiatric findings have not clarified the subject completely. The interaction of environmental and neurobiological complex factors related to the patient's clinical symptomatology may be a risk factor for the emergence of long-term neuropsychiatric disorders. In this study, a 45-year-old female patient who presented to our clinic with late-onset psychotic symptoms and suffered from CO poisoning 15 years ago is presented in the light of literature findings. After CO poisoning, a close follow-up with neuropsychiatric evaluation and regular neuroimaging should be planned. The diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms and disorders caused by CO poisoning, which is the leading cause of intoxication-related deaths all over the world, is important. Clinicians should be careful about medical evaluations in patients with atypical features and late-onset psychotic complaints and a history of CO poisoning. |
19. | Capgras syndrome and intellectual disability in Down Syndrome: A case report (eng) Burcu Akın Sarı doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.45403 Pages 427 - 428 Intellectual disability, behavioral problems and Alzheimer’s disease are seen in Down syndrome which is a genetic disorder. Capgras syndrome is a misidentification syndrome. In this case report, a boy with Down syndrome and intellectual disability and also Capgras syndrome, is presented. Possible explanations of this coexistence is discussed. |
20. | Human rights perspective of the older population in the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey (eng) Dicle Kaya, Burhanettin Kaya doi: 10.5505/kpd.2021.78785 Pages 429 - 432 Abstract | |