ISSN 1302-0099 | e-ISSN 2146-7153
Volume: 27  Issue: 1 - 2024
1. Mental health action plan 2021-2023: What to say? What to do?
Burhanettin Kaya
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.69094  Pages 3 - 4
Abstract |English PDF | Turkish PDF

2. A comparison for thyroid functions and clinical features in deficit and non-deficit schizophrenia
Ali İnaltekin, Yasin Taşdelen
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.22309  Pages 5 - 11

3. The level of knowledge about autism spectrum disorders among a university hospital healthcare professionals in Turkey
Hacer Gizem Gerçek, Çağla Çelikkol Sadıç, Aziz Kara
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.86836  Pages 12 - 20

4. The impacts of adult separation anxiety disorder on nomophobia
Aslı Kazğan Kılıçaslan, Osman Kurt, Sevler Yildiz, Burcu Sırlıer Emir
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.69862  Pages 21 - 29

5. Intimate partner violence and sexual dysfunction in women admitted to psychiatry outpatient clinic does culture affect outcomes?
Burcu Kök Kendirlioğlu, Gozde Gundogdu Meydaneri
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.39260  Pages 30 - 40

6. Evaluation of early maladaptive schemas and domains in social anxiety disorder specifiers and non-clinical samples
Esengül Ekici, Şerif Bora Nazlı, Fatih Yığman
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.08684  Pages 41 - 54

7. Comparison of substance users under judicial supervision with controls in terms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and emotion regulation difficulties
Mustafa Akan, Nusret Ayaz, Kerim Uğur
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.00878  Pages 55 - 64

8. Examination of post-traumatic growth, post-traumatic stress symptoms, and neurocognitive flexibility levels in individuals who have experienced a traffic accident
Cansu Aykaç, Nese Direk, Kerem Kemik, Tunç Alkın
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.53189  Pages 65 - 73

9. Investigation of the relationship between adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and reinforcement sensitivity in substance use disorders
Esra Porgalı Zayman, Süheyla Ünal, Hatice Birgül Cumurcu, Özlem Özel Özcan, Rabia Bilici, Erşah Zayman
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.56767  Pages 74 - 82

10. Clinical, genetic, and epigenetic markers associated with lithium response in bipolar disorder
Bilge Targıtay Öztürk, Nese Direk
doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.55632  Pages 83 - 96

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