ISSN 1302-0099 | e-ISSN 2146-7153
Volume: 2  Issue: 2 - 1999
1. Stroop Test TBAG Form: Standardisation for Turkish Culture, Reliability and Validity
Sirel KARAKAŞ, Emel ERDOĞAN, Şebnem Soysal, Tacettin ULUSOY, İnanç Yüceyurt ULUSOY, Serkan ALKAN
Pages 75 - 88
This is a study on the standardisation of the Stroop Test and is a part of an extensive project which involves the standardisation of a neuropsychological test battery (Neuropsychological Test Battery for Cognitive Potentials: BILNOT Battery) to Turkish culture. The aim of the study was to determine the scoring method for the Turkish standardisation of the test, named as the Stroop Test TBAG version, and to assess its reliability and validity. The Stroop scores and their correlations were studied on 54 subjects who were equivalent on age and education and equally distributed with respect to sex. The data for the assessment of the factor structure was obtained from a second group of395 subjects who were equally distributed on levels of age, education and sex. The reliability was studied on 65 of the 395 subjects. that were also equally distributed with respect to age, education and sex. The correlations between difference (and ratio) and time to completion scores, the reliability coefficients and the factor structures showed that the time to completion scores can be used in scoring the Stroop Test TBAG version. Factor analysis showed that the test scores represent interference and attention. Its standardisation process completed (adaptation, preparation of standard administration and scoring instructions, assessment of reliability and validity coefficients, determination of the normative values), the Stroop Test TBAG Form will be a useful measuring tool for especially the fields of psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery, and clinical psychology and for the basic science field of experimental psychology.

2. The Effects of Comorbid Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression on Lipid Metabolism
Levent SEVİNÇOK, Aslıhan Büyüköztürk
Pages 89 - 94
Most of the studies reveal that generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and major depression (MD) have inverse effects on blood lipid levels. In GAD cholesterol and triglyceride levels increases, whereas blood levels of lipids are lowered in MD. In the present study, our first goal was to explore how the concurrent MD and GAD influenced blood lipid levels and if there was a difference between MD and GAD alone. For these purposes, it was formed three groups with diagnoses of GAD (n=20), major depression (MD) (n =20), and GAD plus MD (n=34). The findings were compared to healty controls. In contrary to our expectations, we found that the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in GAD plus MD group were significantly higher than both of the other groups. It was found that HDL-cholesterol levels in GAD plus MD group were less likely than the other groups. It was concluded that the comorbid depression did not lower the levels of blood lipids in GAD patients, but their comorbidity caused an increase in blood levels of the patients.

3. Education in Psychiatry and Ethics
Başaran Demir, Yasemin OĞUZ
Pages 95 - 100
Due to the improvements in the education of psychiatry, ethical aspects and content of this education are being more frequently emphasized in our country. In this article, the principles ofethi-cal conducts of psychiatrists will be mentioned and the relationship between ethical conducts and education will be evaluated. In psychiatry, similar to medicine in general, legitimacy of psychiatrist’s applications beses on the education. It is quite clear that the education is highly crucial for both acting in accordance with ethical princiqles and being sensitive about ethical issues, as well as determining solutions for them. The importance and characteristics of ethics education for an adequate education in psychiatry, which provides its recipients with competence in both situations for sure, is the main task of this article.

4. Pseudoseizures
Kubilay VARLI
Pages 101 - 104
Pseudoseizures are non epileptic seizures that mimic any kind of epileptic seizure and mostly caused by any psychiatric disturbance. Despite it’s not very easy in all case, an experienced clinician may differentiate those two distinct clinical presentations. In this article, we reviewed causes of pseudoseizures and recent information on pseudoseizures and pointed out clinical and laboratory differentiation of epileptic and pseudoepileptic seizures

5. Secondary Trauma and Social Support
Pages 105 - 108
There is a high prevalance of natural and man-made disasters in Turkey. Secondary traumatization is caused by either holding the traumatized people responsible for the trauma or self - blame of the traumatized. It has a negative effect on adjustment attempts of the traumatized and may lead to clinical disorders such as post - traumatic stres disorder, depression and drug - alcohol addiction. This paper discusses the negative effects of the secondary truama on the traumatized and stresses the importance of social support in prevention of secondary trauma.

6. Psychiatric Interventions in Chronic Pain Treatment
Pages 109 - 116
Any given pathological lesion can produce pain whose intensity varies widely among different patients in relation with the per-ceptual differences among sufferers. There is enough clinical and experimental evidence that a patient’s level of pain is amplified by various psychosocial factors. The thoughts he has about his pain, the degree to which he pays attention to it, his mood and the context of situation where pain emerges have been most prominent features that effects the severity of pain on perceptual or central level. Interventions to these factors, on the other hand, can be used therapeutically in maximizing the effectiveness of pain relieving treatments. Providing information, relaxation and imagery, dikkati dağıtma, family interventions are among the techniques that have proven to be effective in chronic pain patients. Additionally, not only the cases that demonstrate some kind of psychiatric disorders but also some patients without any significant psychiatric problems may benefit from psychopharmacological treatments. As psychiatrists have much to do with chronic pain patients, they must be included in the multidisciplinary team that deals with these patients.

7. Evolution of Attitudes Against Diseases
Pages 117 - 123
The project of studying medical problems in an evolutionary context has been termed as evolutionary (Darwinian) medicine. In a more clear consideration, evolutionary medicine is the hunt for evolutionary explanations of vulnerability to disease. The body’s flaws in an evolutionary sense could be considered as developed attitudes against diseases. These defensive capabilities, shaped by natural selection, are kept in reserve until needed.

8. Art and “Insanity”
Haldun Soygür
Pages 124 - 133
In this paper, the nature of the creative process and art are mentioned and possible link between art, creativity and “insanity” that is one of the oldest and most persistent of cultural arguments are briefly reviewed. There are, naturally, many difficulties in research of the relationship between art and mental disorders. It was not easy to put forwarda causal relationship between art and mental disorders at present. But, every effort to understand the nature and reflections of such relation, will, by sure, contribute a lot to both art and psychiatry.

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