1. | Child murders: Social responses, psychosocial factors, and safeguarding measures Herdem Aslan Genç doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.93357 Pages 183 - 186 |
2. | Evaluation of the Notch, Il-1ß and Leptin Crosstalk Outcome (NILCO) signaling pathway in schizophrenia Derya Güzel Erdoğan, Ahmet Bulent Yazici, Hüseyin Baylan, Yavuz Selim Oğur, Esra Yazici doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.23281 Pages 187 - 196 INTRODUCTION: In the nervous system, processes that require high organization, such as neuronal development, adaptation, and plasticity, are controlled by various signaling pathways. Investigating the disruptions in these signaling pathways in schizophrenia aims to reveal the genetic and epigenetic factors of the disease. METHODS: In this study, which we designed as a step towards finding markers in schizophrenia, we evaluated the clinical findings, anthropometric parameters, and NILCO signaling pathway together in schizophrenia. RESULTS: Our results showed that NOTCH and leptin levels in people with schizophrenia were significantly higher than in healthy individuals, and IL-1B was lower than controls. Among the parameters we examined, a positive correlation was found between NOTCH and fat mass, fat percentage, and BMI. Leptin had positive correlations between PANSS positive score, PANSS general, and total PANSS score. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study revealed changes in NOTCH, leptin, and IL levels in schizophrenia and that these markers have a significant relationship with each other and clinical parameters. |
3. | The relationship between childhood trauma and dysfunctional attitudes in individuals with unipolar depression Sibel Kahraman Girgeç, Özge Saraçlı, Vildan Çakır Kardeş doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.58630 Pages 197 - 206 INTRODUCTION: This study aims to investigate the relationship between childhood trauma and dysfunctional attitudes in individuals diagnosed with unipolar depression. METHODS: Two hundred patients diagnosed with unipolar depression were included in the study and comorbid diagnoses were determined with the help of a structured clinical interview (SCID-I) for DSM-IV axis-I disorders. Sociodemographic data form, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), and Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS) were applied to the individuals included in the study. RESULTS: More than half (66,5%) of the individuals followed up due to unipolar depression had childhood trauma, the most common childhood trauma was emotional neglect (%57,5). While there was a positive correlation between DAS total score and physical neglect (p=0,027, r=0,205), emotional abuse(p=0,007, r=0,208) and physical abuse(p=0,039, r=0,124) score, there was a positive correlation between DAS independent attitude and emotional neglect(p=0,044, r=0,223), physical neglect(p=0,007, r=0,205) and emotional abuse(p=0,010, r=0,173), and a positive correlation between DAS perfectionism and emotional abuse(p=0,010, r=0,219) and physical abuse(p=0,029, r=0,139). In the logistic regression analysis, in the age-adjusted model, it was determined that the number of depressive episodes in those with CTQ was 1.39 times (p=0.02, 95% CI= 1.04-1.85) higher than in those without CTQ. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As far as we know, it is one of the rare studies in the literature examining the relationship between DAS subscales and childhood trauma subscales. It was found that physical and emotional neglect from childhood traumas was associated with the development of an independent dysfunctional attitude, and emotional and physical abuse was associated with the development of a perfectionist dysfunctional attitude. We believe that addressing cognitive distortions in the light of this information in the follow-up and treatment of these patients may contribute positively to treatment response and prognosis. |
4. | The effect of mothers' pathological internet use and psychopathology on children's pathological internet use Gamze Kaya Aktaş, Nur İnci Namlı, Hesna Durmuş, Sevcan Karakoç doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.94809 Pages 207 - 214 INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to examine the mediating role of psychological symptoms of mothers in the relationship between pathological internet use (PIU) of mothers of preschool children and PIU of their children. METHODS: 283 mothers residing in Istanbul and having children aged 4-5 years participated in the research. Within the scope of the research, mothers' pathological internet use was evaluated with the Young Internet Addiction Scale, mothers' symptom levels were evaluated with the Symptom Screening Test, and children's pathological internet use level was evaluated with the Family-Child Internet Addiction Scale. RESULTS: When the time the child spends on technological devices is controlled, there is a significant relationship between mothers' pathological internet use and their children's pathological internet use, mothers' obsessive compulsive (b=.14, 95% CI [.01,.29], p<.001), interpersonal sensitivity. (b=.12, 95% CI [.01,.26], p<.01) and symptoms including paranoid thoughts (b=.13, 95% CI [.02,.26], p<.001), It was found to have a partial mediating role. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Mothers' pathological internet use level and psychopathological symptoms have an effect on child-ren's pathological internet use level. It is thought that pathological internet usage behaviors of mothers can be a role model for children and various psychological symptoms of mothers can strengthen this situation. As part of future studies, it is recommended to plan studies that include fathers or evaluate internet usage in detail. |
5. | Investigation of the relationship between intentional self-injurious behaviors and parenting styles of OCD diagnosed adolescents Haydeh Faraji, Cemile Bilgiş, Sena Kenan Yoldas, Ayten Erdogan doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.33239 Pages 215 - 222 INTRODUCTION: The current study aimed to examine the relationship between intentional self-injurious behaviors and pa-renting styles in adolescents diagnosed with OCD. METHODS: The study comprised fifty patients who were diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder between the ages of 12 and 18. Sociodemographic data form, Inventory of Statements About Self-injury (ISAS) and Parenting Style Scale (PSS) were the data collection tools used in the study. RESULTS: It was found that there is a moderate and negative correlation between the intentional self-injurious beha-viors and acceptance/involvement (r=-.44, p<0.01) and psychological autonomy parenting styles (r=-.38, p<0.01). Also there is a moderate and positive correlation between the intentional self-injurious behaviors and the strictness/supervision parentig style (r=.48, p<0.01). It was determined that there is a moderate and negative relationship between autonomous functions of self-injurios behaviors and acceptance/involvement (r=-.51, p<0.01) and psychological autonomy parenting styles (r=-.45, p<0.01). Also and a moderate and positive relationship between the autonomous functions of self-injurios behaviors and strictness/supervision parenting style (r=.42, p<0.01). Results showed that there is a moderate and negative relationship between social functions of self-injurious behaviors and acceptance/involvement (r=-.35, p<0.01), and a moderate and positive relationship between strictness/supervision parenting styles (r=.50, p<0.01). It was found that strictness/supervision parenting style predicted intentional self-injurious behaviors (R=.48, R2=.23, p<0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As the strictness/supervision perceived from parents increases and the encouragement and acceptance/involvement for psychological autonomy decreases, intentional self-injurious behaviors increase in adolescents diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. |
6. | Body dysmorphic disorder and depression symptoms in patients seeking rhinoplasty: The mediating roles of self-esteem and anxiety Esra Zıvralı Yarar, Hatice Demirbaş, Yusuf Kizil, Erguvan Tugba Ozel Kizil doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.87846 Pages 223 - 229 INTRODUCTION: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is prevalent in patients seeking for rhinoplasty. Yet, psychological assessment of rhinoplasty patients is often dismissed in clinical practice. Findings on depression and anxiety, the two conditions that are highly comorbid with BDD, as well as possible associations between depression and self-esteem are however mixed in the very same group. This study aimed to test a model that explains the relationship between BDD and depression symptoms mediated by self-esteem and symptoms of anxiety. METHODS: 50 rhinoplasty-planned patients and 42 healthy participants were recruited (Age range: 18-54 years, M=28). Demographic information, scores of BDD, depression and anxiety symptoms and self-esteem were collected. RESULTS: Study groups did not differ significantly in terms of age, gender, level of education/income, marital/work status and history of psychiatric treatment. BDD symptom scores, on the other hand, were significantly higher in the rhinoplasty group compared to control group (p<.001). Symptom scores of BDD, depression and anxiety were correlated significantly in both study groups (p<.001-.05). The mediation model tested showed that self-esteem and anxiety symptoms significantly mediated the relationship between BDD and the depressive symptoms. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The model holds promise not only for explaining the mixed results of anxiety and depression in rhinoplasty patients but also for drawing inferences about the role of self-esteem and anxiety on the relationship between BDD and depression. |
7. | Reliability and validity of the Binge Eating Scale-Turkish form Gülçim Bilim Baykan, Ayşegül Durak Batıgün doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.03592 Pages 230 - 238 INTRODUCTION: Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is defined in the DSM-5 as “consuming more food than most people can eat in a given period of time with an accompanying feeling of loss of control”. Although BED has only recently been defined as a distinct diagnostic category, studies show that it is the most common eating disorder in adults. Therefore, the measurement tools that can be used in the assessment of BED gain importance at this point. The aim of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Binge Eating Scale, which was developed by Gormally et al.44 and used in the assessment of BED, by adapting it into Turkish. METHODS: The study was conducted on two separate samples of individuals between the ages of 18-65/68. The second sample was used only for confirmatory factor analysis. The Eating Attitudes Test, Brief Symptom Inventory and Brief Self-Control Scale were used as criterion-related validity criteria. RESULTS: As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, it was seen that the scale had a single-factor structure. This single-factor structure explained 32.69% of the variance. The goodness of fit values obtained from confirmatory factor analysis were also found to be excellent and acceptable (e.g., χ2/sd= 2.93). The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was found to be.85, and the Spearman Brown two-half reliability coefficient was found to be.76 (p<.001). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results of the statistical analysis show that the Turkish adaptation of the scale is valid and reliable. |
8. | Relationship between positive mental health and quality of work life in nurses Nurhan Çingöl, Mehmet Karakaş, Ebru Çelebi, Seher Zengin doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.84665 Pages 239 - 249 INTRODUCTION: This study was conducted to evaluate positive mental health and quality of work life levels of nurses working in hospitals in terms of personal and work-related factors and to examine the relationship between positive mental health and quality of work life. METHODS: This descriptive and correlational study was conducted with 247 nurses working in three public hospitals. The data were collected using an introductory information form, the Positive Mental Health Scale and the Quality of Nursing Work Life Survey. Statistical analyses were performed using a software package (Kruskal–Wallis H test, Independent Sample-t test, ANOVA test, Spearman Correlation Analysis). RESULTS: The mean total Positive Mental Health Scale and the Quality of Nursing Work Life Survey scores were 73.27 ± 14.86 and 103.42 ± 13.01, respectively. It was determined that the work environment, work conditions, and job perception positively affected positive mental health, whereas the increase in relations with executive nurses negatively affected positive mental health and the perception of quality of work life was related to both positive mental health and quality of work life. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was determined that nurses perceived their positive mental health at a level close to good and their quality of work life at a moderate level, and both positive mental health perception and quality of work life perception differed according to some variables (age, hospital type, employment type and perception of work life). In addition, it was determined that the perception of quality of work life differed according to having children, the clinic and the length of service in the clinic, and the perception of positive mental health differed according to the length of service. Practices aimed at improving the leadership and management skills of nurse managers can contribute to improving the quality of work life and mental well-being of nurses. |
9. | An interesting complication of COVID-19: Partial avulsion of the auricle due to prolonged use of a face mask in a psychotic patient Sukru Aydin, Emrah Gündüz, Mustafa Akan doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.11354 Pages 250 - 253 COVID-19, which develops as a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection, was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization shortly after its discovery in Mainland China. Social distancing, hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment have been strongly recommended worldwide as COVID-19 spreads through droplets. In Turkey, a mandate was issued on September 8, 2020, requiring individuals to wear face masks in all areas other than their own residences and stating that those who do not comply with the mandate will be subject to various criminal sanctions. In various parts of the world, such practices have aimed to popularize the use of face masks, but detailed information about individuals with special conditions such as children, the elderly, psychiatric patients, and patients with neurodegenerative diseases has not been sufficiently included. We believe that people with psychiatric illness have a special place in this group due to the nature of mental illness. Perceptual impairments in patients with schizophrenia may lead to exaggerated application of recommended precautions. This has raised the issue of whether personal protective equipment may cause undesirable effects as a result of prolonged exposure in these individuals. In this case report, we present a partial auricle avulsion in a patient with schizophrenia who used his mask for a long time without removing it because he was afraid of mandatory face mask use. Our case is one of the few psychiatric cases in the literature in which auricular avulsion due to prolonged face mask use is seen. |
10. | Evaluation of services for combating addiction in Turkey within the scope of the twelfth development plan (2024-2028) Mustafa Danışman, Gamze Zengin İspir, Kübra Sezer Katar, Zehra Uçar Hasanlı doi: 10.5505/kpd.2024.67878 Pages 254 - 256 |