1. | Functional Imaging of the Neurotransmission Systems in Brain Neşe KARABACAK, Selahattin Şenol Pages 143 - 152 |
2. | Ethical Issues in Scientific Publishing Yasemin OĞUZ Pages 153 - 159 |
3. | Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches in Schizophrenia Treatment Mehmet SUNGUR Pages 160 - 166 |
4. | Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorders Nevzat Yüksel Pages 167 - 171 |
5. | Treatment in Bulimia Nervosa Atila EROL, Fadime YAZICI Pages 172 - 178 |
6. | The Assessment of the Violence Risk and Management of Violent Patient Nesrin DİLBAZ Pages 179 - 188 |
7. | Inhalant Abuse and Dependence: Epidemiology, High Risk Groups and Necessity for Prevention Studies Burhanettin Kaya, Erkan ÖZCAN Pages 189 - 196 |
8. | The Prevalence of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Young Woman İptisam İpek MÜDERRİS, Ali Saffet GÖNÜL, Seher SOFUOĞLU, Sultan TAŞÇI, Meral BAYATLI Pages 197 - 201 |