1. | Editörden Pages 4 - 5 Abstract | |
2. | Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of Anxiety-Related Disorders in Children and Adolescents: An Annuel Cross-Sectional Sample Zeynep Göker, Esra Güney, Gülser Dinç, Özlem Hekim, Özden Şükran Üneri Pages 7 - 14 |
3. | Secondary Traumatic Stress in Mental Health Workers in Turkey Ayten Zara, Ferhat Jak İçöz Pages 15 - 23 |
4. | The Assesment of Psychiatric Consultations in a University Hospital Betül Uyar, Faruk Gürgen Pages 24 - 28 |
5. | Self Enucleation in Psychosis: Two Case Reports Leman İnanç, Merih Altıntaş, Çiğdem Hazal Bezgin, Sermin Kesebir Pages 29 - 34 |