1. | The Examination of the Social Anxiety Symptoms and Sociodemographic Characteristics on Panic Disorder Patients Nilgün Öngider, Vildan Kavak Pages 63 - 72 Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the difference between the symptoms of social phobia, and the sociodemographic variables among panic disorder (without agoraphobia) patients. For this aim, panic dis- order patients was compared with participants who were not diagnosed any pscyhiatric disorders. Method: The research sample consist of 300 patients, 150 of them who diagnosed with panic disorder according to DSM-IV criteria and the other 150 of the participants who were not diagnosed any psychiatric disorders (compared group). The participants sampled from 3 psyciatry clinics. All of the participants were given a sociodemographic data form and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS). Results: According to the findings of this study, patients with panic disorder reported significantly higher LSAS social fear scores than the scores of the compared group. However, LSAS avoidance scores showed no sta- tistically significant difference between the panic disor- der patients group and the compared group. Additionally, within this study, some of the sociodemo- graphic characterisics were found significantly different. Women have higher social fear scores than men. In the same way, low educated participants had higher social fear scores than high educated ones. These findings were consistent with the literature. Conclusion: Consequently, the results of this study highlight that panic disorder patients has higher comorbidity with social phobia rates than individuals who were not diag- nosed any psychiatric disorders. Also, it was associated with some sociodemographic characteristics. The results of this study will discussed with previous findings in the literature. |
2. | The Effect of Living with Family or Staying at Nursing Home on Depression and Anxiety Levels in a Group of Elderly Who Referred to an Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic Serap Erdoğan Taycan, Fatma Duygu Kaya, Okan Taycan Pages 73 - 82 Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare depres- sion and anxiety levels between elderly who stay at nurs- ing home and live with their relatives. Method: Fifty five nursing home residents and 62 elderly living with their relatives who were presented to the psychiatry depart- ment of a state hospital between January 2008 and January 2009 were participated in this study. Medical and socio-demographic form, Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale were administered to the participants who were included to the study and obtained written informed consent. Results: The nursing home residents were found to be more likely to be male and less educated, having more depression and anxiety symptoms and especially higher somatic anxiety compared to the elder- ly living with their relatives, and having an experience of negative life events during the last three months was more common in elderly living with their relatives. We could not found any significant difference between the scores of the Geriatric Depression Scale, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale of two group's scores by means of marital status, presence of chronic physical disorders and medical insur- ance, experience of negative life events during last three months. Conclusion: The relationship of somatic symp- toms with anxiety of elderly who stay at nursing homes need to be known and nursing home workers have to recognize this situation in order to refer these elderly to mental health professionals. |
3. | Psychological Effects of Exposure to Pepper Gas on Individual and Community Mental Health: The Example of Gezi Protests Okan Taycan, Tamer Aker Pages 83 - 89 The massive use of riot control agents also known as "pepper gas" on people during the Gezi protests attract- ed so much reaction. Although various physical sequels including death evoked by the exposure to pepper gas have been shown before, the psychological effects are unclear. This present review aimed to discuss the psyc- hological effects of exposure to pepper gas and the psyc- hiatric consequences of the Gezi protests on both indi- vidual and community level. The long term effects of exposure to pepper gas on human health are still unknown. The use of pepper gas should be prohibited until its long term effects are clearly shown by scientific studies which are designed carefully. It is important to keep in mind that physical sequels caused by exposure to pepper gas could recover in time. However, psychologi- cal sequels might need more time and effort to get bet- ter. |
4. | Factitious Disorder at Nine Years Old: A Case Report İrem Damla Çimen, Nursu Çakın Memik, Özlem Yıldız Gündoğdu Pages 90 - 97 Factitious disorder is described as reveal some symptom and signs voluntary or to act as if there were symptom and signs. This mental disorder's underlying motivation is adoption of the sick role unconsciously. Factitious dis- order can be seen as artificial signs and symptoms of physical or mental disorder, or imitation of both. Factitious disorder is a rare disorder but can lead to severe disability in a person's life and significant expen- diture of health care resources. Factitious disorders tend to be chronic, malignant disease and this disease's dif- ferential diagnosis is difficult. A lot of additional diagno- sis may be accompany. There is no definitive treatment of this disease. But it's reported that patients see more benefit from early detection. Thus early recognition of this disorder is important. Also these patients consults non psychiatric clinics frequently. So health care workers who works in other clinical disciplines are required to inform about the presence of this disorder. There is lim- ited data in the literature about factitious disorder in childhood and most of them presents case reports. So it's thought that studies about factitious disorder in childhood are important. In this case report it is aimed to discuss the process of diagnose and treatment of facti- tious disorder in light of the recent literature with nine years old girl patient referred to our clinic with abdomi- nal pain and spitting blood after passing convulsion complaints. |
5. | Multidisciplinary Approach to Child Abuse: A Case Report Muhammed Ayaz, Ayşe Burcu Ayaz Pages 98 - 102 The physical and sexual abuse of children keep on being major mental health problems. Abuse and its complica- tions are the important part of child and adolescent psy- chiatry services. Abused children are at risk of serious behavioral and emotional disorders. In many locations nationwide, multidisciplinary teams have been created to evaluate concerns of child abuse. In this paper, it is aimed to discuss risk factors for abuse, diagnosis and therapy of mental disorders, and multidisciplinary approach in a case who seriously exposed to physical and sexual abuse. |