ISSN 1302-0099 | e-ISSN 2146-7153
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 - 2003
1. | Familial Loading in Adolescent vs. Adult Onset Mania: A Comparative Study Murat ERKIRAN, Erdem KAHRAMAN, Cüneyt EVREN, Nesrin TOMRUK, Nesrin KARAMUSTAFALIOĞLU, Nihat ALPAY Pages 129 - 134
2. | Psychiatric Symptoms and Disability in Mothers of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Primary Enuresis Noctuma Fevziye TOROS, Şenel TOT, Murat BOZLU, Yavuz OKYAY, Handan ÇAMDEVİREN Pages 135 - 140
3. | "Schizotypal Personality Characteristics" Subscale: Inter-rater Reliability Study suzan ÖZER, Semra ULUSOY, Elif KABAKÇI, Aylin ULUŞAHİN Pages 141 - 146
4. | Effect of Bromocriptine Treatment on Depression and Quality of Life in Hyperprolactinemic Patients Volkan TOPÇUOGLU, Duygu BİÇER, Dilek GOGAS YAVUZ, Aylan GIMZAL, Oğuzhan DEYNELİ, Sema AKALIN Pages 147 - 151
5. | The Frequency of Psychiatric Disorders in Obese Patients İbrahim EREN, Özlem ERDİ Pages 152 - 157
6. | The Effect of Citalopram on Quality of Life in Depressive Patients with Chronic Renal Failure: An Open Label Preliminary Study Gültürk KÖROĞLU, Aytül ÇOR APÇIOĞ LU, Betül KALENDER Pages 158 - 164
7. | Why is Therapeutic Alliance Vital? A Case Study of Domestic Violence Who does not Complain Özge DOĞANAVŞARGİL, Işıl VAHİP Pages 165 - 169
8. | An Interferon-Alfa Induced Psychotic Disorder in a Patient With Chronic Hepatitis C şükrü UGUZ, Ebru YURDAGUL, Hüner AYDIN, Mehmet ÜNAL Pages 170 - 173
9. | Unconsummated Manage: Case Report Ozay OZDEMIR Pages 174 - 180