Techniques related to imaging of the nervous system, due to their necessity of exposure to radiation, leads to problems of subject safety in studies. Therefore neuroimaging was used in limited number of studies in neuropsychiatric disorders of children and adolescents when compared with adults. By the means of safer procedures like magnetic resonance imaging, studies related to brain function and structure are increased in number. In this paper neuroimaging finding in neuropsychiatric disorders of child and adolescents will be reviewed. Results of neuroimaging studies on dyslexia, some disorders which yield to mental retardation (fragile X, Down syndrome), Rett syndrome, autism, obsessive- compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Tourette syndrome and schizophrenia will be summarized.
Keywords: Key Words: Child and adolescent, neuroimaging, neuropsychiatric disordersSirtir sistemi gdruntiilenmesi He ilgili teknikler radyasyonla karp- lagmayi gerektirdiginden arapirmalarda denek guvenligi sorunu olufrurmufiardir. Bu nedenle gocuk ve ergenlerin noropsikiyatrik bozukluklannda erifidnlere layasla smirh sayida gahgmada kulla- mlmifiardir. Magnetik rezonans goruntulemesi gibi bazi yontem- lerde guvenligin saglanmasi He artik gocuklarda da beyin yapisi ve iglevleri daha fazla galiplabilmektedir. Bu yazida gocukluk ve ergenlik doneminde bafiayan noropsikiyatrik bozukluklar konu- sunda sinir sistemi goruntuleme teknikleri He elde edilen bilgiler aktarilacaktir. Disleksi, zeka geriligine neden olan bazi hastalik- lar ffrajil X sendromu, Down sendromu), Rett sendromu, otizm, obsesif-kompulsif bozukluk, dikkat eksikligi hiperaktivite bozuk- lugu, Tourette sendromu ve pzofreni konusundald goruntuleme teknikleri He elde edilen arafiirma sonuglari dzetlenecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Anahtar Sozciikler: (jocuk ve ergen, sinir sistemi goruntulemesi, noropsikiyatrik bozukluklar