The research literature on avoidant personality disorder (APD) is quite sparse. APD shares many elements with the Axis I disorder social phobia (SF) as well as with the other personality disorders. Because of this overlap and the lack of extensive literature on the effective treatment of avoidant personality disorder, treatment strategy of APD is determined mostly by the known effective treatments of disorders with which avoidant personality disorder shares common elements, especially SF. In this article we presented clinical features and the diagnostic matters of APD. We also discussed the different treatment approaches in respect to its relationship especially with social phobia.
Keywords: Key Words: Avoidant personality disorder, social phobia, treatment, comorbidity.fekingen Kigilik bozuklugu (fKB) konusunda gimdiye dek az sa- yida galigma yaymlanmigtir. fKB'nun, sosyalfobi (SF) ve bazi ki- §Hik bozukluklariyla ortak ozellikleri vardir. CKB'nun tedavisi konusunda yeterli bilgi birikimi olmamasi ve diger bozukluklarla arasmdaki bu ortiigme nedeniyle (iKB'nun tedavi stratejisi daha gok, SF gibi ortak dzellikler tagidigi diger bozukluklarm tedavi- leriyle belirlenmiftir Bu yazida QKB'nun klinik ozellikleri ve tarn- sal sorunlari hakkmda bilgi sunulmuytur. Bunun yam sira dzellik- le SF He ilifkisi gdz online almarak QKB'ndaki farkh tedavi yak- lafimlari tartiglrngtir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Anahtar Sozciikler: Qekingen kigilik bozuklugu, sosyalfobi, tedavi, komorbidite.