ISSN 1302-0099 | e-ISSN 2146-7153
Volume: 9  Issue: 3 - 2006
1. The Effect of Stress Management Training on the Emotional Symbols of Air Traffic Controllers: A Controlled, Prospective Study
Elif Ünal, Leyla Gülseren, Şeref Gülseren, Levent Mete, Seval Baysal, Sibel Turgut
Pages 109 - 115
Objective: Because of intensive working conditions, psychological symptoms and exhaution syndrome (ES) are highly common in Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs). Techniques to cope with stress are useful in prevention of E.S. In this study our aim was to see the effect of education to cope wih stress on psychological symptoms and exhaution levels. The study was held on ATCs working in İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport. Method: 46 people who were ATCs and 30 people from breefing department took part in the study. In the first stage of the study, both of the groups were evaluated by some tests including; Beck depression, State-Trade-Anxiety Inventory, job satisfaction, exhaution and coping with stress criterias of Maslach. After the tests, the techniques to cope with stress were told by the psycologists to all of the participants; and then the tests were repeated. Results: The groups were different in education, alcohol usage rates, where they were similar in job satisfaction, exhaution, psychological symptoms and coping with stress. After education and exercise, there was a decrease in depression in ATCs group, where the control group had a decrease in anxiety symptoms. There was no significant difference between the groups in job satisfaction and coping with stress. ATCs had greater ES points. Both of the groups failed in carrying out the exercises. Conclusion: Different studies shows the beneficial effects of education to cope with stress and relaxing exercises in ATCs. This study concluded that low motivation should be examined as a reason of people failing to carry out the exercises; where support and counselling services should be continuous.

2. Study of Self Esteem Levels of Students Attending in Three Primary Schools with Different Socio Economic Levels, in Central Sivas
Selma Çetinkaya, Seher Arslan, Naim Nur, Deniz Özdemir, Ö.Faruk Demir, Haldun Sümer
Pages 116 - 122
Objective: The study was carried out in order to determine the selfesteem levels of students attending in three primary schools with different socio economic levels, in central Sivas. Method: The study, planned as a cross sectional survey, was carried out in three primary schools with different socio economic levels between 23rd of May- 3rd of June 2005. Random selection method was used to select schools. Among 563 students from 5-8 class levels, 521 (92.5%), who had fulfilled the questionnaire forms, were included in this study. A questionnaire form defining socio economic properties of students and Piers Harris' self esteem scale including 80 questions were used. Results: The mean scores from self-esteem scale were 54.6±11.8 for low socio economic level school, 58.2± 11.7 for mid-level socioeconomic school and 56.5±11.8 for high socio economic level school. The mean self esteem levels of students attending in low socio economic level schools was found to be statistically lower compared with the schools with high and mid socio economic level (p<0.05). A significant relationship between self esteem and school, age, class levels, fathers' education level and job, number of sister and brothers, socio economic levels was found (p<0.05). In linear regression analysis, age, number of sister and brothers, socio economic level of school were found independently related to self esteem (p<0.05). Conclusion: Low self esteem scores are considered to be important for definition and differentiation of students who need psychological help. The circumstances where self-esteem levels change and develop must be researched with well designed studies.

3. Psychiatric Evaluation of the Offsprings of the Parents with Psychopathology
Özlem Yıdız Öç, Şahika Gülen Şişmanlar, Belma Ağaoğlu, Ümit Tural, Emin Önder, Işık Karakaya
Pages 123 - 130
Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the psychopathology of 8-14 years-old children of the parents with mental disorder and compare the results with the children of the healthy parents. Method: 61 children of the patients who were voluntered for the study and followed at Kocaeli University School of Medicine psychiatry outpatient clinic recruited for the study group. The children were between 8-14 year of age. As the control group, 35 children of the parents who did not have any life-long mental disorder diagnosis were matched with the study group by age and sex. The children were evaluated by a specialist at Child and Adolescent Psychiatry outpatient clinic. After the evaluation, all of the children filled in Children Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Coppersmith Self-Esteem Scale- Child Form. Mental disorders of the children were diagnosed by DSM-IV depended clinical interviews done with the parents and the children. Results: The findings of this research indicate that children of the parents with mental disorder had higher rates of developing psychopathology in comparison to the children of parents without any psychopathology. In our study, the most frequent disorder diagnosed in the risk group was disruptive behavioral disorder. Conclusion: Although our study does not give detailed information about the genetic and psychosocial risks for the development of childhood psychopathology, it shows that the presence of a mental disorder at the parents is important for the development of childhood psychopathology.

4. Psychiatric Symptom Level in Clinical and Subdinical Hypothyroidism and Its Relation Between Thyroid Hormon Levels
İbrahim Eren, Erkan Cüre, Ali Kutlucan, Banu Kale Köroğlu, Mehmet Numan Tamer
Pages 131 - 137
Objectives: It is reported that psychiatric symptoms are frequently seen in hypothyroidism. We aimed to investigate psychiatric symptoms and depression levels in clinical and subdinical hypothyroidism and their relation to thyroid hormone levels. Method: Fourty patients with hypothyroidism and 40 patients with subdinical hypothyroidism who admitted to Endocrinology out patient clinic and 45 healthy indivudials were included into the study. All indivudials were administered Beck's depression inventory (BDI) and Beck's anxiety inventory (BAI) and Brief Symptom Inventory. Results: In hypothyroid group, the points of somatization, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, phobic anxiety, paranoid idea, psychosis, additional item subscale, global severity index were significantly higher than control group. In the subdinical hypothyroid group, the points of somatization, obsessive-compulsive disorder, interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, anxiety, phobic anxiety, psychosis, additional item subscale and global severity index were significantly higher than control group. We found that free triiodothyronine and thyrotropin hormone levels were not related with psychiatric symptoms, depression and anxiety levels. Free thyroxine levels were positively correlated with anxiety subscale and BAI points. Conclusion: Psychiatric symptoms were seen more frequently in hypothyroid and subdinical hypothyroid patients compared with healthy control group. But these symptoms were not correlated extensively with thyroid hormone levels

5. Social Factors of Folk Explanatory Model and Help Seeking Behaviors of Psychotic Symptoms - Malatya Sample
Süheyla Ünal, Yaşar Kaya
Pages 138 - 147
Objective: We aim to search some variables that affect folk beliefs, casual attributions and help-seeking behaviors for the psychotic disorders in Malatya sample. Method: 668 subjects were chosen randomly to represent the province of Malatya in this cross-sectional study. A psychotic patient scenario was presented to subjects and some questions about explanatory model and helpseeking process were asked regarding the illness scenario. The definition of the case, explanatory styles, helpseeking behaviors and help sources were compared with sociodemographic and clinical variables by chi square test. Results: Our sample group described the psychotic case in the scenario as "has psychological problems" at a rate of 69.2% and as "sick" 12.9%. As a causal factor, 60.9% of the sample suggested social problems. Medical treatment was the first help seeking way. Primary school graduates recommended the popular help-seeking ways more than high school and university graduates (p<0.02). Some socially disadvantegous conditions such as being women, widow, low income, directed individuals more towards supernatural healing methods. Conclusion: Our people have a tendency about medical help-seeking for psychotic conditions. This tendency goes parallel to the increase in healthcare services, educational and socioeconomic levels.

6. Poststroke Depression
Kürşat Altınbaş, E.Timuçin Oral, Aysun Soysal, Baki Arpacı
Pages 148 - 153
Depression is a common co-morbid psychiatric disorder after stroke which may affect 20 to 60 % of the stroke patients; yet it is under-recognized and not treated effectively. Despite stroke is a risk factor for depression, pathogenesis of the post-stroke depression is poorly understood. In some studies a relationship between depression and infarct location including left frontal lobe, bilateral frontal cortex, right hemisphere, left and right posterior areas was found; relationship between the lesion location and depression prevalence was not replicated in some other studies. Differences in sample selection, depression diagnosis and in neuroimaging methods may explain the discrepancy among studies that reported the relationship between the post-stroke depression and lesion location. On the other hand, though the symptom profile of the post-stroke depression and major depression were found to be similar, vegetative and cognitive symptoms primarily derived from brain ischemia could be indistinguishable from those derived from depression. Therefore, accurate diagnosis and treatment of the post-stroke depression are quite important, in considering the increased morbidity and mortality because of depression in stroke patients. Successful management of the post-stroke depression requires early recognition and initiation of appropriate treatment to facilitate an optimal level of functioning. The main aim of this review is to shed light on the epidemiology, aetiology, symptom profile, lesion location, mortality and treatment of post-stroke depression, as there are very few publication focused on this topic in Turkish literature.

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