ISSN 1302-0099 | e-ISSN 2146-7153
Volume: 3  Issue: 1 - 2000
1. Psychopharmacological Treatment of Acute Mania
Erkan Özcan
Pages 5 - 13
Treatment during an acute manic episode is essential not only for that period but also it bears so much importance for the sake of the patient, the family, the clinic involved with the treatment and even the society. The second issue is the necessity of maintenance treatment that is compulsory to follow the acute episode. Lithium is still the drug of choice. Other so-called mood stabilizers valproate and carbamazepine are also efficacious. Traditional antipsychotics are commonly used and atypical antipsychotics have also attracted great interest. Some novel anticonvulsants and other compounds are under investigation for this indication.

2. The Association of Dexamethasone Suppression Test with Schizophrenia and Its Subtypes
Murat Kuloğlu, Murad ATMACA, Ertan TEZCAN
Pages 14 - 20
It has been focused on strongly neuroendocrinologic system especially hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal (HPA) axis about neuro- biological studies related to schizophrenia. The aim of our study was to determine the sensitivity of DST, an important indicator of HPA axis, and its association with schizophrenic subtypes. The study and control group included 40 patients (study group) who had applied to Psychiatry Department of Fırat University Medicine Faculty and Elazığ Mental Health Hospital and diagnosed as schizophrenia according to DSM-IV and 40 healthy subjects (control group) who had not psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. The Scales for the Assessment of Negative and Positive Symptoms and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale were performed to patients and DST to both groups. All control subjects exhibited DST suppression, as if it was observed nonsuppression in 16 schizophrenic patients (40%). DST nonsuppression was seen in 15 of 22 patients (68.1%) with negative symptoms and one of 18 patients (5.5%) with positive symptoms. Interestingly, DST nonsuppression was observed in 8 of 11 undifferentiated schizophrenic patients (72.7%). The observation of statistically significant high proportion of DST nonsuppression in schizophrenic patients, especially in patients with negative symptoms and undifferentiated subtype, suggests that it might be a biological indicator in schizophrenia basis on psychotic phenomenological features and schizophrenic subtypes.

3. The Neurobiology of Violence and Aggression
Ercan ABAY, Cengiz TUĞLU
Pages 21 - 26
There are many theories and studies about violence and aggression, including social-learning theory, psychoanalytic theory and biologic theory. Recently, the importance of biologic theory is increasing. Our aim was to analyse the violent behaviour and its biologic determinants, therefore we reviewed the effects of neurotransmitter regulation, molecular studies, and functional anatomy by new imaging techniques. Also, we assessed the similarities between the violence and suicidal behaviour.

4. Schizophrenia and Gender: Age At Onset and Sociodemographic Attributes
Hatice GÜZ
Pages 27 - 33
In this study, 160 patients (95 males, 65 females) who met the DSM-IV criteria for diagnosis of schizophrenia were studied to determine gender differences in age at onset of the illness and sociodemographic attributes. Male patients had a significantly earlier age of onset then females. However work status which were significant differences related for gender. Other variable were no significant differences between the gender.

5. A Transcultural Perspective to the Disease and Health Concepts in the Anatolian Culture
Cengiz Güleç
Pages 34 - 39
Throughout generations communities have been faced with lots of health problems and have tried to find solutions to them. In traditional cultures diseases had been tried to be explained with phenomenons such as mistic causality, animistic causality, and magic causality, In this paper beside these explanations, studies on health and disease concepts in Anatolian community healing take place.

6. Assessment of the Relationship Between Personality and Psychiatric Symptoms and Substance Abuse in the Female University Students
Hasan Herken, Said Bodur, Fatih Kara
Pages 40 - 45
There is evidence that a relationship exists between personality and psychiatric symptoms and substance abuse, and gender difference is efficacious in this relationship. In this study, we aimed to determine whether there is a relationship between substance abuse and personality trait, and psychiatric symptoms in the female university students. For this purpose, Hacettepe Personality Inventory (HPI), Symptom Checklist 90-R (SCL) and a questionnaire about the cigarette and alcohol use as well as drug abuse were applied to female students in the Job Education Faculty, University of Selçuk, Konya. An association between cigarette smoking, alcohol use and drug abuse of the subjects, and general and subscales of HPI and SCL, was investigated. There were several sorts of relationship between one of the existing aforementioned habits and HPI social connection, neurotic tendencies and psychotic symptoms and paranoid symptom points of SCL. It was found that the female university students the had precise social relations whereas they were not good at in their inter-personel sensitivity. On the other hand both social relations and inter-personel sensitivity of the students who were used to take alcohol or drug, remained unchanged. According to data, it was found that smoking was related with social connections, but alcohol usage was related with personality and psychiatric symptoms.

7. Biology of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Ertuğrul EŞEL
Pages 46 - 55
In recent years, the number of investigations related to neurobiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is formerly considered to have psychological aetiology, have increased and some important findings have been revealed. While functional and structural brain imaging studies have disclosed a dysfunction in the orbitofrontal-limbic-basal ganglia-thalamic circuit, neu- ropharmacologic studies have suggested that an abnormality of serotonergic system is important in the pathophysiology of the disorder.

8. Personality Characteristics in Patients with Acne Vulgaris
Yarkın Özcan, Hamdi Özcan, Süheyla Ünal
Pages 56 - 60
There is no consensus regarding the role of personality in the development of the acne vulgaris. Cases with acne vulgaris have been described as unstable, having nervous make-up, and prone to emotional disturbance. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether there is association between acne vulgaris and personality. For this purpose, 54 patients with acne vulgaris and 43 healthy volunteers were enrolled and divided into four groups according to the disease severity (Group I to IV). Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Clinical Anxiety Scale (CAS), Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rate Scale (MADRS) were used to determine personality, anxiety and depression scores of the groups. There was a statistically significant difference on neurosis and extroversion scores. There was not significant difference between the patient with acne group and the control group in terms of CAS and MADRS scales. The EPQ, CAS, MADRS scores were not significantly different between the four groups of acne patients. In conclusion, there was a correlation between acne, severity of neurosis and the degree of extroversion.

9. Investigation of Personality Profiles of Mountaineer: The Brief Symptom Inventory
Mümtaz MAZICIOĞLU, Mustafa Baştürk, Fevziye ÇETİNKAYA
Pages 61 - 66
It's known that some neuropsyhciatric alterations occuring at high altitude depends on the decrease in Oxygen saturation. Behavioural alterations being an indicator of neuropsyhciatric alterations can change the personality. This study is planned to detect the role of characteristics of personality tending to direct to alpinism and probable effects of high altitude on these changes. By using Brief Symptom Inventory, a group of alpinist consisting of 29 person attending to Mount Erciyes summit climb from different locations organised by Kayseri Hacılar alpinism club, eva-

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