ISSN 1302-0099 | e-ISSN 2146-7153
Volume: 13  Issue: 2 - 2010
1. Sexual Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: A Cross-Sectional Evaluation
Soner Çakmak, Gonca Karakuş, Yunus Emre Evlice
Pages 55 - 64
Objective: Aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and associated clinical and sociodemographic variables and sexual side effects of antipsychotic drugs among patients with schizophrenia who are regularly followed in psychotic disorders outpatient unit. Method: Forty three patients with schizophrenia were recruited among outpatients of Psychotic Disorders Unit. A patient registry form was used to collect sociodemographic and clinical variables. Sexual dysfunction was evaluated by using Turkish version of Golombok-Rust Sexual Satisfaction Inventory. Results: Seventy-four percent were male. Mean age was 42.80±9.95 years. Problem in sexual intercourse frequency was 77.4%; problem in communication during sex was 48.8%; problem in sexual satisfaction was 27.9 %; problem in sexual aversion was 48.8 % and problem in sexual contact was 4.65 % among patients with schizophrenia. Conclusion: Results of our study is similar to the relevant literature. In addition to a life-long course and impairment of functionality in patients with schizophrenia, there are a variety of serious problems in sexual functionality due to both natural course and applied pharmacotherapy. There are many factors increasing the frequency of sexual dysfunction, and thus decreasing the quality of life and causing incompliance to drug usage. Clinician should talk to their patients on this topic to pinpoint the source of the problem and to minimize them, to enhance the quality of life and treatment compliance.

2. The Efficacy of Psychoeducation as an Adjuvant Therapy in Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Havva Gezgin, Olcay Çam, Mustafa Karademir
Pages 65 - 76
Objective: The aim of the study was to understand the effects of psychoeducation in patients, who were admitted to Izmir Military Hospital psychiatry department and were diagnosed as "moderate Generalized Anxiety Disorder" with neurotic personality traits. Method: Participants who were admitted between March-April 2009 were selected as study group without considering their age, education, and occupation (30 participants were assigned to experimental group and 30 to control group). These participants had not been diagnosed as generalized anxiety disorder previously. This research has been conducted with a quasi-experimental method with pretest-posttest control groups. Data were collected by using an evaluation form with 13 questions prepared by the researcher, Spielberg state-trait anxiety inventory and a post-psycho-education evaluation form. The experimental group has been taken into psychoeducation program after determining their anxiety levels. At the end of the psychoeducation program the experimental group was evaluated by a face to face interview form to assess whether they used their treatments as prescribed, whether they quitted pharmacologic treatment and for assessing the side effects of treatment and their functionality. Data of sociodemographic features and scores of the scales used were analyzed with Independent t test, chi-square test and Paired Simple T test. Results: It was seen that, with psycho education of the experimental group, drug compliance have increased and discontinuation to pharmacological treatment rates and also levels of state & trait anxiety have decreased. Conclusion: When psychoeducational content is assessed together with state & trait anxiety levels, results show that patients gain more benefit on the second session which aims to give insight to patients about their illnesses.

3. The Relationship Between Using of Subjective Well Being Increasing Strategies and Academic Motivation in Adolescence
AN Eryilmaz
Pages 77 - 84
researchers' stress on the importance of the advancement of positive mental health and adjustment in adolescents, in addition to traditional emphasis on the treatment of accomplished psychological disorders. Subjective well-being increasing strategies and academic motivation are the most important study areas of psychology. This study examines the association between motivation and subjective well-being increasing strategies among Turkish adolescents. Method: This study is carried out following the scanning model. The participants of the study include a total of 236 adolescents (114 male and 122 female). The ages of them range between 14 and 16. The data of the study were obtained through the use of the following scales: Subjective Well- Being Increasing Strategies Scale for Adolescents and Academic Motivation Scale. The data were analyzed through the use of simple regression analysis method. Results: The findings obtained indicate that subjective well being increasing strategies, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations have moderate positive relationships. There is no relationship between using of subjective well being increasing strategies and amotivation. Discussion and Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that there is a statistically significant relationship between using of subjective well-being increasing strategies and academic motivation of adolescents. Using the findings of this study may be functional in the professions of psychiatry, clinical psychology, psychological counseling and social services, which all help adolescents clinically. For instance, programs to boost the subjective well-being of adolescents may be designed.

4. Mindfulness Based Therapies and Therapeutic Processes
Pelin Devrim Çatak, Kültegin Ögel
Pages 85 - 91
Mindfulness is based on focusing attention to present moment and observing present moment experiences in a non-judgmental and accepting way. Mindfulness has been applied as a therapy method in Western psychotherapy practice for almost thirty years. While mindfulness stems from Eastern contemplative practices, a number of studies had investigated the psychological processes underlying mindfulness. Some of these studies focused on explaining the change mechanisms through which mindful ness-based interventions have their therapeutic effects. Meta-cognition, emotion regulation, attention regulation and interoceptive exposure have been suggested as change mechanisms involved in mindfulness based therapies. The notion explaining mindfulness as a meta-cognitive information processing asserts that the decentering involved in mindfulness decreases the effects of maladaptive meta-cognitive beliefs. The incremental effect of mindfulness on emotion regulation is another proposed effect mechanism in mindfulness-based interventions. This view suggests that mindfulness supports emotional tolerance and adaptive emotion regulation. The present-focused attention is regarded as a fundamental component of mindfulness. In studies investigating the effects of mindfulness on attentional processes, relationships have been found between mindfulness and the components of executive attention. It has also been proposed that interoceptive exposure technique and mindfulness operate through a similar therapeutic mechanism since mindfulness involves orientation towards all negative and positive subjective experiences. A number of views have been proposed regarding the relation between mindfulness and cognitive and emotional processes and the findings supported the effects of mindfulness on these processes. This is an important step towards explaining mindfulness on an operational level and increasing the effectiveness of mindful ness-based interventions.

5. The Kleine-Levine Syndrome: A Case Report
Hasan Karadağ, Sibel Örsel, Hakan Türkçapar
Pages 92 - 96
Kleine- Levin syndrome is a neuropsychiatric illness, characterised by recurring episodes of hypersomnia, mental disturbances and abnormal behaviour including hyperfa- gia and hypersexuality. The episodes start suddenly and continue during few days to a few weeks. KLS is a rare syndrome but we don't know its prevalence. The syndrome is seen often between 16-20 ages and effects males more. Ethiopathogenesis is not clear. It is hypothesized that dysfunction of the hypothalamic, serotonergic and dopaminergic pathways are related with KLS. The episodes generally start suddenly after a viral infection, head injury or sometimes after a psychological stress. Between the episodes, there is no sleep disturbance and patients are physically and mentally normal. There is not a certain data on frequency of episodes but according to several case reports there are mean 2-12 episodes per year. There is no objective diagnostic criterion. EEG and PSG studies don't include specific features. A lot of KLS patients don't meet the criteria of the international sleep disorder classification. İn recent years, shown that the hypersomnia form is not associated with behavioural disorders. In this report we are discussing a 22 years old female outpatient, who has eight hypersomnia episodes without behaviour abnormality in past five years and has elevated growth hormone and elevated cortisole levels, in the context of "monosympto- matic/atypical kleine-Levin syndrome".

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